3 Easy Algae Bloom Treatments For Ponds | Organic Pond
A beautiful pond is a peaceful addition to any backyard, farm or property. They provide a habitat for a variety of aquatic life and bring peace and tranquility. However, unexpected algae blooms can be unpleasant and have a negative impact on the overall health of your pond’s ecosystem. There are three simple steps you can take to prevent, manage, and eliminate nuisance algae without harm. Learn about the causes of algae blooms, methods for removing algae, and a great certified organic algaecide to help keep your pond healthy for you and your fish.

What Causes Algae Blooms in Ponds?
Algae blooms occur when there is an overgrowth of algae in the pond. This overgrowth is usually caused by a combination of excess nutrients and sunlight. The excess nutrients come from various sources, such as fertilizer runoff, decaying plant matter (muck layer), and waste from fish and fowl. When these excess nutrients are combined with sunlight, they provide the perfect environment for algae to grow and multiply rapidly.
Another source of excess nutrients can occur in a surge when downpours of cool rain on warmer pond water causes a turnover of the pond's cooler bottom water. A turnover occurs when the top layer (warm, fertile, highly oxygenated) and the bottom layer (cold, infertile, and poorly oxygenated) are suddenly mixed together.
The first step in removing algae from your pond is to apply a long-term strategy to reduce the number of nutrients entering the pond. This can be done by reducing the amount of fertilizer you use on your lawn, reducing the amount of fish waste in the pond, and removing decaying plant matter. Additionally, planting aquatic plants around the pond can help absorb excess nutrients, reducing the chance of an algae bloom.
Aquatic Plant Management
Aquatic plants play a critical role in maintaining a balanced pond ecosystem. They help to remove excess nutrients from the water, produce oxygen, and provide a habitat for aquatic life. By having a suitable number of aquatic plants in your pond, you can help control the growth of algae.
But you must be cautious with your aquatic plant life growth. For example, duckweed and watermeal are types of aquatic plants that are commonly found in ponds. While these plants can provide some benefits to the pond ecosystem, they can also quickly become a problem if it grows excessively. Duckweed and/or Watermeal can quickly cover the surface of a pond, reducing the amount of light that reaches the bottom of the pond and causing problems with the water clarity.
3 Algae Treatment Options
An easy method for removing algae nutrient sources is to introduce a fast-acting extra dose of bacteria that is already existing in your pond. Regular use of naturally occurring, non-pathogenic beneficial bacteria strains - such as Organic Pond’s pureSHOCK™ or pureBACTERIA™ Muck Reducer - efficiently consume otherwise available nutrients and avance muck decay via their digestion; in many cases before algae can become problematic.
Organic Pond’s top-selling Clean-Clear-Blue™ Complete Pond Treatment includes pureBACTERIA™ muck reducer and water clarifier combined with our concentrated pureBLUE™ pond Dye. It can suppress growth of both algae and weeds by consuming the nutrients algae feeds on and blocking UV sunlight rays needed for plant growth - just pour and go once a month. Totally natural and food-grade quality, it’s completely safe for all fish, humans, wildlife - even water lilies.

Another great way to clean up your water basin is with certified organic algaecides. Algaecides target the algae itself, but not the nutrients that fuel growth. Organic Pond’s Algae Elimination Kit contains an OMRI-approved algaecide for all organic farming, plus our beneficial bacteria bio-treatment pureSHOCK™. The organic oxidizer quickly kills algae without leaving residue in the water, while the concentrated blend of naturally-occurring beneficial bacteria goes to work rapidly decaying/consuming the dead algae and muck on the bottom and any floating in the pond. Waters treated with Organic Algaecide can be used shortly after application for swimming, fishing, drinking, and irrigation.
Installing underwater aeration is a third option to prevent algae blooms by reducing the amount of stagnant water where algae can grow - via oxygenation. Vertex Aquatic Systems Pond and Lake Aeration products are USA-made systems produced with the highest quality components. They’re engineered to work continuously at improving water circulation and increasing dissolved oxygen levels in the water column. Oxygen is needed from your pond water aeration to sustain your fish, but it is also needed by your pond's naturally occurring beneficial bacteria. Aeration is especially important in ponds that have high nutrient loads, because without oxygen, your pond will go into an anaerobic (low oxygen) state where algae forms will thrive. As a national internet-based dealer for Vertex products, the prices of aeration systems at Organic Pond can't be beat!
Algae blooms can be a problem for pond owners, but often can be prevented or treated effectively. Reducing the number of nutrients entering the pond and limiting sunlight penetration (especially early in the growing season) are great long-term solutions for less availability of algae nutrients and less plant matter accumulating in the muck layer. Introducing beneficial bacteria and using algae treatment options can help keep your pond healthy and clear. Whether you are dealing with an existing algae bloom or looking to prevent future blooms, Organic Pond has the natural products and solutions you need to keep your pond looking its best.